I have made gumpaste Roses before but I have never made the gumpaste myself for fear that it was too complicated and that it wouldn't work. But I went to a new cake store and the owner gave me a recipe that she swore works every time. And it did. I also watched an online tutorial from a british lady and she had some great advise. A lot of the time I have to figure things out on my own because I am not a trained pastry chef so it's nice that there are very specific instructions out there, you just have to know where to look. If you like learning about cake stuff cakejournal.com is a great place to go.
Here are some red roses I did this week for a cake and I loved them Roses are not my personal favorite flower they can be kind of grandma-ish especially if you work for Wilton, But I have a new love for them they really are a classic and beautiful flower even if they are a bit overused.